Monday, September 8, 2008

Friends, Fits, and Fun!

Well, today was my first day off track. We had a great day. Abby played with all her best buddies, Luke, Cooper, Brianna, Tavish, and Eli. William even came over in the afteroon to play! They played soccer, dress up, and cars.

And then we went to school...and that's where the "fits" come in. Abby threw her first fit at school. She did not want to wear her coat outside, so she proceeded to throw a fit for her teacher. I can't imagine why she doesn't like's not like her mother hates coats or anything *wink* wink* And then she wanted to go play at her new friend Chloe's house and threw another fit after school. I will make an excuse for her today though..she does have a cold. I know...quit making excuses for your daughter...I know, I know! :)

Tavish and Brianna love to try on all the winter hats and gloves. It is really very cute. Although they make a HUGE mess!

1 comment:

One Big Happy said...

Mihya said she saw Abby crying today. She asked her why she was crying and she said she just covered her eyes and kept crying:) ha! such a 3 year old thing to do! why did she have to wear a coat? Recess is only 20 min. and it's not that cold out. I'd be telling the teacher not to make her wear one if she didn't want to. she will not die and may decide it's better than being cold? or not!

About boot camp...i signed up for an outdoor excercise class and it is brutal! I've only made it through one day and want to cry!

Kickin' back, readin' a book!