Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Now that the Holidays are over, life has really settled down. My long, wonderful 6 week vacation is over. I have been back to work now for a couple of weeks. Lucky for me, I love my job so going back to work isn't so bad. I really enjoyed spending that time with girls. Everyday McKinley does something new. She is now smiling, talking, and even giggled a few times. No new updates on birth mom. She is currently in jail awaiting her sentencing on drug charges. Once I find out how long she will be in jail, then I will be able to have a better idea of how this case is going to go. Knock on wood, but so far it looks good!

Abby is growing up so much. She has been writing her letters and showing an interest in reading and writing. She sat up the other day in bed and asked me to help her spell "at". After we spelled it, we talked about other words that you can make with "at". She was so excited. Being a teacher, I love to see that she is showing an interest and seems to be moving along developmentally. I am so proud of her. :)

We are planning our first trip to Disney World this year. It is my favorite place on earth. I can't wait to see Abby's face when we get there. We plan to go in December (I know it's so far away but I need that much time to save...lol). We are also meeting some aunts and cousins there. It should be a great time!

As I update this blog, I realize that I really do need to start doing more...lol Hopefully after Grad school I will have more time to do more and have more to write about. :)

Until next time, Happy new year to everyone!! Hope this new year brings you nothing but joy, happiness, and love! Here are some random pictures for your enjoyment! :)

Kickin' back, readin' a book!